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Vue VS React: which one should you choose?

Both Vue.js and React are powerful front-end frameworks with similar capabilities and some of their own strengths. At &above, our team's preference for a new project would be Vue.js (Nuxt) due to its creative flexibility, but clients can always request to use React depending on their requirements - we’re experts in both.

Choosing the right user interfaces for your product...

In the ever-evolving landscape of front-end development, choosing the right javascript framework is crucial. Vue.js and React have emerged as two powerful contenders for mobile applications and web applications alike, each with its strengths and relevant use cases. At &above, we understand the importance of making informed decisions when it comes to product development and can help you to find the right solution for your company.

Designed mock-ups of &above web apps
Designed mock-ups of &above web apps

React and vue: the best of the javascript frameworks?

Firstly, lets start by establishing that both Vue.js and React come from the same programming language - javascript. Of course this means they have many key similarities when creating dynamic frontend development projects. However, each framework does come with a few limitations that can help to navigate which framework to use for your project. If we look at them as their own entities...

Vue applications

Vue.js, known for its simplicity and flexibility as a "lightweight framework". It has gained popularity for its ease of integration into existing projects - an excellent choice for any size business that's looking for a progressive javascript framework. We have utilised Vue.js with large tech clients, like Google, building complex features for large scale applications, as well as for smaller start-up projects.

React applications

React, maintained by Meta, is widely adopted for its component-based architecture and robust community support. It excels in building complex, scalable applications and is often favoured due to its extensive time on the market - being one of the oldest frameworks, there are simply more developers available that are skilled in React with active communities for support and guidance. 

As both of the frameworks have progressed, and the most recent version of Vue was released, their initial flaws and comparisons have become fewer and farther between. These key similarities mean that a React vs Vue decision is more likely to come down to the preference of the person integrating it and their understanding of your business. Meaning, a great developer should be able to recommend a framework based off of a detailed brief a client provides.

How to compare the javascript frameworks

Case study for Nozzle - an analytics product we developed with React
Case study for Nozzle - an analytics product developed with React

Reusable components

If we want to get more technical - some may argue that React has a steeper learning curve. Meaning new developers may find it trickier to navigate and build in than Vue.js. That doesn’t mean it isn’t possible. React adopts a component-based architecture. These reusable components are the building blocks of a React application, enabling a modular and reusable code structure. React's virtual DOM optimises rendering by updating only the parts of the actual DOM that have changed, leading to improved performance. Lots of these elements aid the developer. However, Vue.js arguably provides a more flexible and gradual adoption approach. As Vue components encapsulate the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript logic, making it easy to understand and manage the code structure. Vue's Single File Components (SFCs) allow developers to define templates, styles, and logic in a single file.

Build dynamic user interfaces

React and Vue.js empower developers to create dynamic user interfaces, offering a progressive virtual DOM and a declarative approach to building UI components. The virtual DOM is a technology employed by various Javascript frameworks. In Javascript, data structures are created, modified, and then presented as copies. The virtual DOM acts as an intermediary representation of the actual DOM (Document Object Model) in memory. When changes occur in the application state, the virtual DOM is updated first. It then calculates the minimal set of changes needed to update the real DOM efficiently. This process helps enhance the performance and efficiency of UI updates in web applications. The capability is particularly crucial when developing complex apps with location-based and interactive user interfaces. Below are key aspects that highlight how these frameworks facilitate the creation of dynamic applications:

  • Both front-end technologies follow a declarative approach where developers describe how the UI should look based on the application's state. The development process takes care of the reactivity ensuring that the actual UI reflects the defined state without manual intervention. This simplifies the process of specifying the desired UI, allowing the framework to handle the underlying updates and rendering.
  • Both frameworks can handle location-based user interfaces efficiently. For example, by integrating geolocation services or utilising APIs for location-based information, web developers can create applications that dynamically adapt content like language, prices or locations-specific recommendations etc based on the user's geographical location.

State management

Developing complex user interfaces can pose challenges due to component state management, frequent data changes, and the resulting higher complexity. This suggests that as applications grow and become more intricate, managing state effectively becomes crucial for maintaining a clear and functional UI.

The two javascript frameworks follow a similar approach for managing component states. This is referring to the concept of maintaining state within individual components, allowing them to control their own data and behaviour, but have differences in immutability. Immutability is a programming concept where data, once created, cannot be changed. React tends to encourage immutability to manage state changes more predictably. Vue.js, on the other hand, tends to handle state changes with a more reactive approach due to the way its modelled, making it easier to interact with the data and utilise across the application.

The frameworks state management methods are helpful for applications as they grow and become more complex. It's important when developing complex apps that the frameworks are scalable with efficient state management practices. Lets dive into this some more...

App scalability

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interface, internet, program

When addressing concerns about scalability and the development of high-performance enterprise applications, both React and Vue provide support for component reusability, as we've mentioned. While React is a Javascript-based system it can still pose some challenges for developers to use it as a platform for scalable development. However, with an experienced creative agency working on your project, it will always be a trusted framework for building robust applications.

On the flip side, some developers might find Vue less comfortable as a platform for large-scale software development, as it requires careful consideration of its development approach—although its components-based architecture facilitates breaking down code into more manageable repositories.

Both React and Vue come from an open-source Javascript library. This openness allows anyone to contribute and modify the code that underpins React and Vue. While maintainers ensure moderation, the open-source nature encourages continuous improvement and optimisation of these frameworks. Meaning, the capabilities and creative freedom of their core library will always be expanding and allowing your product to grow with your company and goals.

Mobile app development

Additionally, people who have created such one-page codebase share apps are usually more inclined to select React native instead of Flutter for the advantages they can provide compared to other developers. Although Vue provides some help in mobile apps development, it remains far from offering robust applications as React does.

React may stand out as a notable library for constructing native applications, leveraging React Native - another framework built off of React - specifically for mobile app development. With this extra layer you're able to write code once and deploy it on both iOS and Android platforms.

Developers who have ventured into crafting single-codebase shared apps often lean towards choosing React Native over Vue.js - drawn to the advantages it offers compared to other frameworks. While Vue does offer support in mobile app development, it falls short of delivering the robust applications that React is known for.

Can we learn Vue if we know React (and vice versa)?

Yes, learning Vue if you already know React (and vice versa) is quite feasible. Despite their differences, these technologies share fundamental principles, making the transition smoother for developers familiar with one framework.

While Vue and React have distinct syntaxes, learning the new language or Javascript extension is a manageable step. Vue uses template syntax, and React uses JSX. Although different, these serve the same purpose, allowing developers to describe the UI in a declarative manner.

Both frameworks are component-based and share similar APIs. This commonality simplifies the learning process when switching between the two. Understanding concepts such as state management, component lifecycle, and the virtual DOM in React provides a solid foundation for grasping similar concepts in Vue.

Additionally, having experience in one framework often helps developers appreciate the nuances and strengths of the other. Learning Vue after React (or vice versa) can broaden a developer's skill set and enhance their adaptability in working with different front-end technologies.

Examples of web applications built - Vue vs React

To help show that both Javascript front-end frameworks have validity in this space, here are some examples based on clients requirements, of how we have used both front-end frameworks successfully across &above projects.

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Web app designed and developed in javascript framework by &above agency

Keakie, an app focussed on discovering new music and artists, reached out to us for design and development - supporting the process from UX design through to bespoke React development and interaction design.

We used React's extensive motion library of interactive elements to engage their audiences of listeners, artists and advertisers in a unique proposition. This design perk helped to leverage their desktop and mobile app screens, utilising their brand imagery, and developing this across their new platform to bolster the growth of their project. React is great for building on existing projects as it supports incremental adoption. So you can introduce React components gradually into an existing project without having to rewrite an entire codebase. This is particularly beneficial when migrating from traditional web applications to a more modern, component-based structure, so worked perfectly for Keakie’s brief.

Vue.js however, is conducive to making a quick POC (proof of concept). Vue.js allows complex applications to be much simpler to maintain - perfect for when a client comes to us to conceptualise and build an MVP of their brief. We’ve mentioned before that it has the gentler learning curve of the two frameworks, meaning it’s simply quicker to put together a prototype. Paired with its efficient reactivity system making it easy to manage and update the application state. This is advantageous when creating MVPs where quick testing, iterations and changes to the user interfaces within small time constraints is inevitable for a first build. As well as quick building time, Vue.js also has a relatively small file size compared to some other frameworks. This contributes to faster loading times - crucial for providing a seamless user experience, especially in the early stages of a product. 

In the Vue vs React dilemma, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. The choice between the two really depends on the project's specific requirements and the preferences of the development team and client.

front-end development, app design
Editable library of content from front-end development

The javascript frameworks in summary

In summary, both Vue.js and React are powerful front-end frameworks with similar capabilities and some of their own strengths. At &above, our team's preference for a new project would be Vue.js (Nuxt) due to its creative flexibility, but clients can always request to use React depending on their requirements - we’re experts in both. A lot of clients do tend to lean this way due to React’s long-standing community and it being easier to find good developers for future support and scalability. However, your choice should align with your project's specific needs, scale, and your development team's expertise. At &above, we recognise the nuances of this decision-making process and offer our expertise in guiding your tech choices to help you achieve your creative and tech goals with continuing support whatever framework you choose.